Thursday, June 21, 2007

Is it good to be silly?

"Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It's good to be silly at the right moment."
- Horace, Roman lyric poet & satirist (65 BC - 8 BC)

My family tell me I am always complaining and am never happy.

I guess I'm not a naturally easy-going type. Not an optimist as such...

But "never" happy?

I do believe in duty and responsibility and being serious, but I am often playful - but perhaps it's only ever online, in my blogs or forums or emails. I find it difficult to "mix foolishness with prudence" and let things go.

I wonder if I have any pictures of myself being "silly at the right moment"?

It's unlikely that I would have permitted such a photo to be taken.

Do I dare?

If you already have such a pic then you probably don't know what I'm talking about. But if you understand where I'm coming from - then you probably need to lighten up too, so go get a "silly pic" taken and send me the link via comment!

1 comment:

Nics said...

I think all pics of me I am being silly on.. I'm always silly though!!!!

Think it's good to have a lil daftness in your day!