Monday, April 21, 2008

Lightening photos that are too dark

I have just found out a really useful tip for using Photoshop to tidy up photographs.

I have been fiddling with Image > Adjust > Brightness/Contrast to try to lighten dark photos, without much success, but now I've read in an online article (I wish I could remember which!) that Image > Adjust > Levels is the tool to use to lighten up pictures. It's revolutionised my scrapping because now I can use all those photos that are a bit too dark.

Try it, open a dark photo in Photoshop (I have a very old Photoshop version - 5 and it works in that as well as later versions) and use Image > Adjust > Levels

Move the central slider to the left to lighten the picture instantly, and experiment with the other sliders.
Alternatively try Auto Levels and see if there's an improvement.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Put The Fun Back Into Scrapbooking

This article from Aby Garvey in August 2007 struck a chord with me. "Suddenly, where once you had an enjoyable hobby you love, now you have DREAD". And why? Because I can't find anything, and I look at my piles of paper or embellishments, or ribbons or stamps, and think - what do I do now? "Scrapbook overwhelm is typically a symptom of too much STUFF getting in the way"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Narrowing down cardstock colours

I love to read about and see pictures of other people's scrap spaces, so I was interested to read Ali Edwards' blog entry about her scraproom.

But the thing that really intrigued me was when she said:

"I have pretty much narrowed down my cardstock selection to just a few colors - white, cream, kraft, black, and red - which has really simplified my process and helps me focus more on the story."

Well if you look at her gallery there's a bit of yellow and khaki/green - but yes the colours are pretty limited - no blue, purple, pink...

Could I do that? Restrict myself to a few colours?

I have done so in my clothing. I had my "colours done" and found out that I am a "winter" (though I can wear summer colours too, especially in the summer). Which meant I could forget about brown and green. I now base my winter wardrobe around navy, black, grey and purple with turquoise and blue accents, and some red or fuchsia, and my summer wardrobe is chiefly blue, aqua and turquoise. It makes it much easier to shop (except when one of the key colours is out of fashion, as navy has been for several years!) and to choose basic pieces such as jackets with which everything will go.

Could I do the same with scrapping supplies?

Not really - because photographs can be in any colours (unless you go so far as to choose your clothing in the colours of your cardstock!), and I choose paper and cardstock to match the photos usually. However, I do have my favourite colours and paper ranges (blue and turquoise feature here too...) I don't think I'm ready to limit my colour selection just yet. How about you?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Which kind of scrapper are you?

OK I admit it - I'm a clutter bunny. Are you?

Scrapping clutter bunny
Each piece of clutter holds an important memory and you know you will scrap it someday... But make sure your memorabilia reminds you of positive things and not negative ones!

Scrapping collector
Every object that you collect is a reflection of who you are and what you have achieved. As a collector you like to never stop at just one of something - or even two - the more the merrier... The objects you collect are a major part of your identity. For a scrapper this means the type who has every bottle of Prima flowers ever sold or a pile of papers just for stroking, that you would never ever use. Think - what is scrapbooking really all about?

Mucky pup
This scrapper simply can't be bothered to clear up. (Men more often fall into this category, generally!) However, clutter creates its own stress and makes more work - you can never find the embellies you're looking for, or you discover the paper you were looking for, at the bottom of the pile, half creased and half covered in coffee. Cut that clutter, and clear up, even if it's an effort - it will save effort in the long run!

Busy bee
You're so busy that when you get a moment you want to scrap not sort out. But, gradually, forgetting to deal with those little things starts to cause problems. As time moves on the piles of clutter don't. Then you start with that feeling of "not being in control" and you can't find anything. Luckily, most busy bees will eventually make the time to deal with this.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Free daily journalling prompts

I have collected all my journalling prompts and am offering them starting today as a free ongoing journalling class or daily journalling prompts to use as you like.

We'll be having themes, and the first week's is MUSIC.

The prompts are suitable for scrapbooking, blogging or art journalling.

Come along and join me! And if you'd like to be on the design team (occasional contributions not every day!), let me know.

Daily Journalling Prompts Blog

The new blog will have short helpful prompts.

I'll continue to add longer journalling inspiration and
techniques (and scrapping organisation tips) to this blog at least twice a week.