Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Inspirational quote of the day:

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that
perfectly. ~ St. Francis de Sales
Are you a perfectionist? Or do you believe in "just enough, just in time"? How has this affected your life?

I find it's a bit of a curse to be a perfectionist. Everything takes longer than it sometimes needs to and I find I don't want to start a task if I can't be sure I'm going to have time and resources to finish it properly.

This means I have trouble with my scrapping, oh yes. Oddly enough, it doesn't matter with cardmaking, making cards is the one area in which I allow myself to experiment and fail. They are small enough to throw away if it doesn't work and I haven't lost much. But a scrapbook page is important - it's our family's memories, I'm keeping it - and if it isn't quite right it will annoy me not only every time I open the album but probably at assorted random times in the dead of night when I should be asleep and instead my mind will fill with the knowledge that I did not do that one thing perfectly....

1 comment:

Nics said...

Love that quote! I know how you feel about not being able to settle if something is not 'quite right!' But lovin the card
BTW It's Nics.. just finally got me one o those blogs