Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Write it on Wednesday - Feeling groovy!

When did you last feel really GOOD about yourself?

And how do you celebrate your little successes (or your big ones)?

Make sure you do celebrate - in fact go give yourself a treat - tomorrow if not today!

You know you're worth it!

Today I'm over the moon about a successful project. I was so excited last night I couldn't get to sleep, but it's fantastic when you find out something that means you were particularly successful at something you aimed to do, and that happened to me once last week (a touch of schadenfreude there!) and also this week. If only I could bottle that feeling for the days when I'm feeling a bit low.

Scrap Challenge
Layout title: Celebrate
Number of photos: 3 or 4
Style: At least three patterned papers and embellishments in at least three colours

1 comment:

Deborah Duck said...

Congratulations on your success Clare, you work hard enough for it.