I've been surfing for "get organised" tips again. It's what i do to avoid having to actually deal with the big problem of (mostly paper) clutter. And with the craft stuff and my home office being at the top of the list to organise, I procrastinate as much as possible!
Today's tips:
- Assign various projects color-coded work folders. When papers cross your desk, mark them with the color of the folder in which they should be kept.
- Record mail you need to act on in a daily planner along with the list of jobs to do - although, it's better to have a "Will Do" list not a "To do" list!
- When establishing a filing system use plastic carrier bags to sort out things into categories. It's difficult to estimnate at first what categories will be biggest - this way you "file" until everything's sorted then you know exactly what's needed and can subdivide.
- Plan meals at least a week and preferably a month in advance (I have meal plans dating back years - I can just recycle!)
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